Thursday, June 2, 2011

Debbie Tiffany Together Again!

A reunion 20 years in the making!
Last night, Debbie Gibson and Tiffany attended the premiere of Mega Python vs Gatoroid in New York. Though once considered to be bitter pop star rivals, the feuds been left in 1986 and the ladies look nothing but pleased to be together!
And don't they just look RAVISHING! Haven't [...]


Uh-oh! Sounds like somebody's still bitter!

In light of the news today that The Social Network received eight Academy Award nominations, a representative from Facebook has released the following statement:

"We've said all we're going to say about the movie and the books. We've moved on from this discussion, and we think others have, too."

Meow! That's a little catty for an official statement, don't you think?

We'd think that Mark Zuckerberg would at least be a little bit excited for all of the accolades the flick has received! If anything, it's only made Facebook MORE popular!


Jackson Pollock
internet articles
Thomas Hart Benton
Inspiring news flash

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