Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Taylor Lautner Lily Collins Enjoy A Date Night Together

Back in January we got our first look at the first promo photo featuring Taylor Lautner and co-star Lily Collins in their new film Abduction and in February, we saw photos of Taylor and Lily as travel buddies. Since that time, tho, the couple haven’t been seen out and about … until now. This week, [...]

Yesterday was a fun day for David and me because we got to spend it in the company of THE most beautiful baby girl EVER who was celebrating her 6 month birthday! Our dear friend Genevieve and I made plans for us to hang out last night and she graciously shared Audrey’s 6 month birthday with us. I’m not even kidding you … Audrey is the most beautiful little girl around … and we got to spend the evening playing with her.

I can’t even tell you how cute Audrey is in person … as cute as she looks in photos, they pale in comparison to how adorable she is in person. It’s all David and I can do to keep from running off with this precious little girl … she’s just the cutest! Our evening together was pretty quiet … but it was really fun. It’s hard to believe that Audrey is already 6 months old … it seems like just yesterday the little princess was born. I don’t know how you spent your Thursday night but I bet it wasn’t as cute as mine ;)

This afternoon, David and I are seeing an early screening of Hanna and then we are meeting up with Darion for a special SECRET performance by a musical performer. I am sworn to secrecy … but watch my Twitter, I’ll do my best to share the goods when the secret gets out :)

Happy Friday, Happy WEEKEND!!!

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